About me

My name is Fahad Kamran and I am currently a second year Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics major at the University of California Berkeley.

I am currently a 20 hour Teaching Assistant for the new course CS C8, Foundations of Data Science.

I am also on the executive committee as the Data Analyst for Computer Science Mentors, a group which aims to provide tutoring for those who need it in lower division Computer Science classes. I will also be teaching CS70, Disecrete Mathematics and Probability, in its pioneering semester for CSM.

Over the summer, I will be a Teaching Assistant for the course CS 188, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. I will be responsible for holding discussion sections, office hours, and a lot of back-end work in order to make sure the course is running smoothly.


Twitter: http://twitter.com/fhdfudgy

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fahad-kamran-736981b1

Github: https://github.com/fhdkmrn

Email: fhdkmrn@gmail.com

If you are interested in working with me, feel free to contact me in any way! I am most likely to respond by email.