SQL Practice Problems

Important! These are all exam-level problems. Do not attempt these problems without a solid foundation in the subject and use them for exam practice.

For the all questions on this page, we will be using the following table named movies.

Name Rating Company
Inside Out 10 Pixar
Cinderella 8.2 Disney
Lion King 10 Disney
Twilight 2.0 Disney
Star Wars 7 10 Disney
Up 10 Disney

1. Select the company and its maximum rating, along with how many movies this company has made.

select company, count(*), max(ratings) from moves GROUP BY company  
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2. Write a query to select all movies for which at least 2 other movies have the same rating, and put them alphabetically. Write this query using absolutely no aggregation techniques.

        groups(name , score , n) as (
        select  title , rating , 1 from  movies  union
        select  title , score , n+1 from  groups , movies
        where  title  >  name  and rating=score
  select  title from groups,movies
  where  n > 2 and ratings = score order  by ratings; 
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